
A New Dawn?

  My reading of the final chapter of Gore Vidal's "Julian" (1962) and a reflection on some of the themes in the novel and what it has to say about society both then and now. It's an excellent book, highly recommended and, like all great works, stimulates more questions than it answers. Without spoiling anything, this final chapter is a reflection by one of the key figures in the book on life after the Emperor Julian has died and Christianity reasserted itself. Even though it was penned in 1962, this book raises issues that are still relevant in 2024.

What's the Big Idea?

 As part of my job I organise various public conferences and seminars. This year we are trialing a few online mini courses in social sciences, starting with three evenings introducing some sociological theories and ideas. These are free to participate in, but you will need to let me know that you want to take part so the Teams link can be sent out. The first of these seminars takes place tonight at 7.30pm and is followed by another session next Tuesday evening and the one after that. The weekly topics are below. If you want the link, drop me an email at (the under-16s will need parental permission to tune in). What’s the Big (sociological) Idea – these virtual sessions explore major sociological theories: Week 1: Max Weber, Emile Durkheim and the Functionalists; Week 2: Simone de Beauvoir, Judith Butler, and Feminism; Week 3: Michel Foucault and Postmodernism.

Jung on Dreams

 A recording for the Suffolk Jungian Circle monthly discussion - which this month will be on Jung's theories about dreaming. If anyone would like to join the virtual discussion group, it is free to do so - just let me know that you would like the link.

River Poems

  A recording of several poems ("Invention of the Otter" by Miriam Darlington, one by Sable, "Looking Glass River" by Robert Louis Stevenson, "Heaven" by Rupert Brooke, and one by myself) read out previously at a ritual to honour the River Gipping. It would be interesting to hear from others if they conduct ceremonies to honour their local rivers, lakes, or other water ways.

The Royal Patient

 My telling of one of the stories about Melampos, an Ancient Greek healer who was almost as famous as Asclepios. The physician is summonsed to treat the son of King Phylacus of Argos to treat his son who has seemingly incurable impotence which even his beautiful wife has been unable to overcome. The treatment involves a consultation with the celestial realm and with a tree spirit who also requires healing. I like the underlying themes that the illness of one person can easily lead to health problems in others and that treatment can necessitate putting wrongs (however unintentional0 to right rather than just medication alone. As well as giving insight into animist notions of healing and illness, this tale also provides an account of the unusual rulership of Argos.

Heal Thyself

 A short myth from Ancient Greece about how the famed physician Asclepios ended up among the stars and became a demi-god in the process. It is very similar to a tale from Ireland about the healer Miach - possibly one story inspired the other, or they just reflect similar universal concerns.

The Dark Mother

 A reflection on Jung's notions around the Dark Mother archetype and the ideas added by those who came after him (such as Marie-Louise von France, Dorothy Bloch, and Daniella Sieff). This is chiefly for the Suffolk Jungian Circle, who are discussing the topic at the end of the month, but it may well also interest a wider audience.