
Showing posts from September, 2020

Further into Shadow

Having received a few questions about the previous recording of the talk on Jungian Shadow concepts at the Ipswich Moot, I decided to create this deeper look into the topic which answers those questions as well as going off in other directions. This meander contextualises what the Shadow is, how it has been projected on to pagans, how it might be thought of within modern pagan communities, and how the Shadow can be worked with via ritual etc. If there are an additional questions which people would like answered, feel free to send them in by email or as comments on this post.

Shadow talk

Recording of a discussion on ways in which Jung's idea of the Shadow archetype can be applied within paganism.This was our first Ipswich Pagan Council moot reconvened in the real world after months of lock down. A small attendance, but hopefully things will begin to revive.