
Showing posts from August, 2013

Pooka's Pageant 2013

It's Pooka's Pageant tomorrow at Oddfellows Hall in Ipswich, our annual celebration of polytheism through the performing arts. I shall be doing two storytelling slots, one of pre-Islamic Arabic stories with a rather gruesome twist, and the other a selection of Taoist myths. We also have a good selection of singers, poets and storytellers to entertain people with Indian, German, Welsh, Egyptian and other roots. Should be a great day, I'm hoping the weather will hold, as there are some outdoor events scheduled. After the Pageant... the day went very well, with some considerable talent on display and a wide selection of tales, poems and song. The poetry of Matthew Plumb was, for me, particularly impressive with its intensely evocative grasp of the natural world. I don't doubt that one day soon he will become quite a name in the poetry world. It pretty much rained all day long, but this actually served to enhance listening to poems about the force of nature. I also enjoy...

Grey Mare

Lovely long weekend away at the Grey Mare Pagan Camp in the New Forest, with some excellent performances (Nick Ford's pastiche of The Jabberwocky was particularly memorable) and a song or two. I told a selection of tales on Saturday and Sunday evenings, and ran a small poetry workshop ~ which rather pleasingly inspired two people to compose who had not done so in years. I must make more of an effort to memorise some song lyrics. I still cannot hold a tune, but there are a few Cole Porter and some Noel Coward numbers that I might be able to pull off if only I can get the words in my head. It would be lovely to hold a similar gathering in Suffolk, and have a strong impression that the Powers That Be approve of such a notion. Just a case of finding an appropriate venue where we can camp and sit around a log fire till silly o'clock telling stories without disturbing other people.

A Dangerous Place

Advance copies of the third book arrived yesterday, and I have to say I like what they've done with the cover. It's rather thicker than I had realised when writing it! Must have got rather carried away. I shall take a few copies down to the Grey Mare Camp in the New Forest this weekend and see if it takes anyone's fancy. The book contains ten short crime stories all set in the same part of Ipswich, but spread out over different historical eras. All the stories draw on themes of paganism, magic, mysticism and superstition. I have seen a few reviews already, and so far they have been appreciative. It will be useful to hear which if the characters interest readers the most, particularly with a view to writing full-length novels featuring the popular sleuths in further adventures. If anyone wants to order themselves a copy, you can do so through pretty much any bookshop (support your independent stores!). The ISBN is 9871782792116 and it sells for £10.99, published by Mo...

Oh Lord!

Utterly thrilled by the revelation that Peter Capaldi will be bringing his very considerable acting prowess to the role of the next Doctor. I'm also rather glad that they have cast an older actor in the role, a touch of nostalgia for those of us who can remember when the Time Lord was an avuncular character. On a self-reflective note (well, what is blogging if not glorified solipsism?), avuncularity is something I am finally coming to terms with. When I started university at age 19 I was very rapidly given the nickname of Uncle Robin by friends, possibly because I was rather too often the sensible one. Or maybe I just looked haggard ~ at age 17 I was once mistaken for my own mother's brother. She was flattered to be considered young looking... I can't honestly say I felt at all complimented by it! Now I actually am middle aged, and in the knowledge that I will never have children of my own, I actually quite enjoy acquiring surrogate nephews, nieces and godchildren to indu...