
Showing posts from January, 2024


 A reflection on a variety of issues from a polytheist perspective - linking the notion of worship (from the Anglo-Saxon weorth-scip) to Max Weber's ideas on religious value systems, medical ethics and the boundaries of Beauchamp and Childress's philosophising around moral values in medicine.

The Shadow Archetype

 This is a reflection on Carl Jung's ideas around the Shadow Archetype which will be discussed in the January meeting of the Suffolk Jungian Circle, though it may be of interest to others outside that group. The Shadow is the repressed and unwanted side of the individual and also the collective society, which has a cultural perspective on what is unwanted - because it is regarded (rightly or wrongly) as dangerous, shameful, wicked, obscene, too painful to contemplate etc.  I have made recordings about this before, but I thought I would expand ideas for the purposes of the January online discussion.