Healing tales

Today was supposed to be a workshop on the uses of storytelling, but unfortunately too few people wanted to attend to cover the costs of hall hire etc. so it was cancelled (but at least I got to have a lay-in!) This recording is partly for the benefit of those who did want to go, but also for some other friends overseas who have expressed an interest in learning more about potential uses of story in healing.
This meander takes in a little of the ideas of Victor Frankl, founder of logotherapy, and some brief snippets from Michael White and David Epston who developed narrative therapy - mostly, however, it reviews Eric Berne's ideas on life scripts (those of Sisyphus, Hercules, Arachne, Baucis & Philemon, Tantalus, and Damocles) and starts to consider ways in which storytellers (not professional therapists) can start to use myths, legends, folktales, and original works of their own to get members of their audience to think about their live anew.
There are other aspects of this which I could talk about, but I'll be guided by feedback from viewers (both those at whom this is aimed, and any general viewers). If nobody has further questions, this will be a one-off podcast.
The image used is by the artist Corey Godbey, inspire by John Hurt's performance in the old TV series The Storyteller, and a reminder that dragons like hearing stories too.


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