
Showing posts from September, 2024

The Royal Patient

 My telling of one of the stories about Melampos, an Ancient Greek healer who was almost as famous as Asclepios. The physician is summonsed to treat the son of King Phylacus of Argos to treat his son who has seemingly incurable impotence which even his beautiful wife has been unable to overcome. The treatment involves a consultation with the celestial realm and with a tree spirit who also requires healing. I like the underlying themes that the illness of one person can easily lead to health problems in others and that treatment can necessitate putting wrongs (however unintentional0 to right rather than just medication alone. As well as giving insight into animist notions of healing and illness, this tale also provides an account of the unusual rulership of Argos. Melampos' Myth

Heal Thyself

 A short myth from Ancient Greece about how the famed physician Asclepios ended up among the stars and became a demi-god in the process. It is very similar to a tale from Ireland about the healer Miach - possibly one story inspired the other, or they just reflect similar universal concerns. Asclepios story