Academic conference

On Tuesday 16th May the Religious Studies & Ethics department have organised their annual conference, at which I will be one of the speakers (talking about Roman and Greek notions of sexuality). The theme for this year is Gender & Sexuality. It is a free event - contact me at if you wish to attend. The programme of speakers is as follows:

10.00               Welcome and introduction to the day
10.15               Are there Only Two Sexes?; John Hadlow
11.00               Same Sex Marriage in Liberal Christianity; Reverend Matthew Smith
11.45               The Caring Sex?; Dr Will Thomas
12.30               Lunch break
1.15                 Pagan Passions; Robin Herne
2.00                 Discussion groups:
                        a) The Female Ethicist – are feminine ethics different from masculine ones? Room SC0.01 (lead by Dr Will Thomas)
                        b) Sacred Sexuality – do religions respond to sexual orientation, or define it? Room S2.04 (lead by Robin Herne)
                        c) The Sexual Revolution – does Britain need further change and, if so, what? Room S2.06 (lead by John Hadlow)
2.45                 Break & refreshments
3.00                 Gender & Sexuality in Suffolk, a Buddhist Perspective; Jnanamitra Emmett
3.45                 Plenary discussion with panel of contributors
4.00                 Thanks and farewell


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