Pooka 2019

Pooka's Pageant will be Saturday 16th November, 10am till 4pm at Oddfellows Hall in Ipswich. The Pageant is a celebration of mythology and mysticism through storytelling, poetry, music, and other performing arts.


10.00 Welcome & toast to the Pooka
10.15 The Dagda’s Harp – a talk by Robin Herne
11.00 Fable-ous Fruit – stories by Malcolm Busby

12.00 Poetry share
12.15 Lunch
1.15 Fifth Season – music with Carys
2.00 Poetry share
2.15 Music & Mayhem – music, poems & stories with Sheila & David
3.00 Break
3.15 By Land, Sea & Sky – stories with Robin Herne
4.00 Thanks & farewell toast

Tickets are £5, with profits going to various animal charities. Please spread the word if you know anyone who would like to attend.


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