Of Gods and Daimones

I have a seminar coming up at work next week on archetypal psychology (Wednesday afternoon, free to attend should wish to come along), for which I am preparing notes today. This has motivated me to get back to the blog and record something about how modern pagans might relate to some of these ideas - it has been a while since I did anything.
This podcast is not well planned (or, indeed, planned at all) so it does somewhat ramble around a few ideas proposed by Jung, May, and others. Whilst I forgot to mention art, the notion of ideas possessing people might well be extended to debate whether artists have visions or vice versa. The muse, spoken of extensively in Greek religion, might be said to take hold of the painter, sculptor, composer or whatever they may be and - like the Irish legend of the leannan sidhe - sometimes leave them burnt out and of scant use to themselves or anyone else. whilst the inspiration of the muse is sought, it comes at a cost which might sometimes be regarded as far too steep.


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