Negotium Perambulans

 This short story by E F Benson first appeared in 1922 and details a man's childhood recollections and more recent experiences in an isolated Cornish village, where something horrible lurks in the darkness. Apparently this tale was well regarded by the American horror writer H P Lovecraft - for obvious reasons, given the echoes this tale has with that of the New England cosmic horrors.

The photograph is a Fendahleen, a creature that appeared in an episode of Dr Who from the 1970s (and scared the life out of me back then). I have no idea if the special effects people responsible for designing the monster costume had read Benson's short story, but the look of the alien horror that Tom Baker did battle with does seem to fit very well with the "pestilence that walketh in the darkness".

In other news, thanks all the Gods that the barber shops have reopened!


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