Annual Faith Lecture 2022

 Lecture - Tuesday 17th May, 6pm in Lecture Theatre #1 at the Waterfront Building, Ipswich

Modern forms of Paganism have undergone a revival in the last century, drawing on the polytheist and animist religions of the ancient world for their inspiration and world view (though often blended with ideas from a variety of other sources). Many, perhaps the majority, of modern pagans feel a reverence for the natural world and a wish to restore the damage done by increasing industrialisation and population growth. This talk examines some of the major influences on the development of Paganism, the relationship with the environmental movements, and how an animist worldview shapes an understanding of the Land, the living beings we share it with, the realm of spirits, and our respective duties towards them.
Robin Herne is the Route Leader for Sociology and Criminology at West Suffolk College, having previously been the Lead for Religious Studies and Ethics there. He regularly contributes to the active programme of public lectures and conferences. He is Chair of the Ipswich Pagan Council, Chair of the Ipswich Faith and Community Forum, a District manager for the Pagan Federation, and the author of a variety of books on paganism, poetry, and works of fiction. Robin was a weekly columnist for seven years with the East Anglian Daily Times, writing on religion and ethics, and has contributed to various TV and radio shows on these matters.


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