The Shadow Archetype

 This is a reflection on Carl Jung's ideas around the Shadow Archetype which will be discussed in the January meeting of the Suffolk Jungian Circle, though it may be of interest to others outside that group. The Shadow is the repressed and unwanted side of the individual and also the collective society, which has a cultural perspective on what is unwanted - because it is regarded (rightly or wrongly) as dangerous, shameful, wicked, obscene, too painful to contemplate etc. 

I have made recordings about this before, but I thought I would expand ideas for the purposes of the January online discussion.


  1. Thanks Robin - great stuff
    Couple of points
    You mention the Godfather in the context of the Hero’s journey - that the template (Joseph Campbell) is usually the ‘good hero’ - my comment / question is - not having watched or read the books what happened to Michael? In the end ? Did he become a hero ? Point being it’s a journey whatever way you look at it
    2 nd point - would his journey into the ‘dark side’ been a descent into hell - to then find his way out and in doing so integrate his shadow side as self realisation and individuation is the real goal !
    I also think that the accusations against witches was a result of collective shadow !
    Did Jung talk about the Shadow as an archetype ?
    Just some points for further discussion

    1. SPOLIERS! Michael Corleone's story is charted over three books/films. By the end he tries to get the Family to go legit and withdraw from crime - but pays a terrible price with a tragic death that devastates him (but does not redeem him, so it is not a hero journey of the usual sort). It is a descent into Hell but not a katabasis (see previous video on this) because he does not go into darkness to rescue anyone, but rather to become the King of Hell.

      Agree on witch trials. Have heard a similar argument being made about anti-Semitism (that the accusations tell you more about the accuser than the accused).

  2. Just looked back at previous November blog -‘ Into Darkness’ - might be worth revisiting this descent into darkness and how this affects us both spiritually and intellectually ?! As part the Alchemical process ! Just another thought


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