Lend us a Hand

 To celebrate the arrival of a magnificent statue of Sebek in the house (a gift from close friends), I have recorded a story featuring the Great Crocodile. He is a side character in the myth, so I have padded his role somewhat - there being little in the way of surviving stories in which He is central. This story forms a subplot to the infamous Myth of the Lettuce, which regular readers of this blog will be familiar with.

This story is a bit graphic and not suited for either children or anyone listening whilst bored at work. The kinds of things which horrify 21st century Westerners did not much phase Ancient Egyptians. The city of Nekhen was called Hierakonpolis during the Ptolemaic Period, meaning the City of the Falcon - and it does indeed contain the oldest example of a zoo so far found in the world.


  1. Fabulous Story so well read Thank you.


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