Tantalising Tale

 It is National Storytelling Week for the next few days, so here is at least one contribution from me. This is the unsanitary tale of how King Tantalus of Sipylus (located in modern day Turkey) greatly offended the Gods of Olympus and earned an eternity of suffering. There are three versions of quite what he did to upset the Gods, and I have combined two offences into one tale. The choice of this story was suggested by one of the people who subscribes to my YouTube channel.

This tale reminds me that I haven't been to my favourite Greek cafe in Bury St Edmunds since before the current lock-down - so I am in my turn being tantalised by the unattainable prospect of baklava and other sweet things!

Whilst values change over time, I think most people would still agree that his second crime was particularly egregious. I'm not sure who the artist of the image inset is - if anyone knows, tell me and I'll add the proper credit in. If I am sufficiently organised I will record another story on Sunday as a way to mark both Storytelling Week and the festival of Imbolc.


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